Rey Erickson is one of the world's most Honored Craftsman!

World - Clubmaker Of The Year 2007 & 2008
Top Ten Worldwide - Clubmaker Of The Year 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
Canadian - Clubmaker Of The Year 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
Alberta - Clubmaker Of The Year 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004

True Temper - Certified Performance Fitting Centre
Ikasu - Certified Fitting Studio
Mitchell - Certified Tour Van Club Repair Shop
Balance Certified Golf - Balance - Certified Fitter
Rifle Shafts - Certified Rifle Shop
True Temper - Certified Shop
Tour Concept - Certified Shop
U.S.T. TOUR SHOP - Certified Shop
ACCRA GOLF - World Top 50 Shaft Technologist
Golfsmith - Certified Master Craftsman
Matrix Shafts - Certified Shop

P.C.S. - Certified "Class A " Advanced Professional Clubmaker
P.C.S. - Certified "Class A" Club Repairer
P.C.S. - Certified "Class A" Club Fitter
P.C.S. - Certified "Class A" Refinishing of Metal Woods and Wood Woods

G.C.A. - Certified Accedited Clubmaker
G.C.A. - Certified Professional Clubmaker
G.C.A. - Certified Advanced Clubmaker
G.C.A. - Certified Master Clubmaker

Clubmakers have two main choices to be certified properly:
1. P.C.S. - Professional Clubmakers Society
2. G.C.A. - Golf Clubmakers Association

1. The certification process became an integral part of the P.C.S. in 1991 with the establishment of the "Class A Clubmakers Examination."

The two- part exam, a rigorous written exam consisting of 350 questions followed by a practical skills exam, focuses on proper assembly techniques of 5 different selected clubs to be build to specific specification as per instructions and marked on both exams with a passing mark of 85 percent.

It affords exceptional skilled clubmakers the opportunity to gain recognition of excellence as a clubmaker. Prior to this, the industry offered no such certification opportunities to skilled craftsmen.

Professional Clubmakers Certification program added two new "Class A" certification levels in 1998.

The optional certifications levels of "Class A" Club Fitter and " Class A" Club Repairer were established to provide clubmakers an opportunity to specialize in fitting and repair if they choose too.

All Exams consist of a thorough written exam and a practical exam focusing on their respective topics.

In 2005 a fourth P.C.S. certification was added Refinishing of Metal Woods & Wood Woods to further your Clubmaking skills with a written and practical exam with a passing mark of 85 percent.

Rey Erickson has passed all 4 P.C.S. Exams and was honored with the highest total marks in all exams given out as of 2009, I'm honored of this accomplishment.

2. The certification for the G.C.A. consists of extensive testing and recognition of clubmaking experience as a way to earn one or all the four levels of achievement you must pass each level with a 80% or higher on each exam to go to the next level.

1. G.C.A. Accredited Clubmaker
2. G.C.A. Professional Clubmaker
3. G.C.A. Advanced Clubmaker
4. G.C.A. Master Clubmaker

Rey Erickson has successfully passed all G.C.A. EXAMS with top marks.


Please contact me to set up an appointment or just give me a call I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Please contact Erickson’s Custom Clubs at: (403) 860-3401